
Cloudberry reduces tumor growth and cancer cell motility

Colorectal cancers are leading causes of cancer-related deaths in Western societies. New methods to prevent and treat colorectal cancer are therefore required. Berries contain anti-carcinogenic compounds and provide protection against colon tumorigenesis in experimental animal models. However, the mechanistic basis for their effects is not well understood.

Research group from the University of Helsinki studied the effects of bilberry, lingonberry and cloudberry on intestinal tumorigenesis in the Min mouse. They found that all berries resulted in significant reduction in tumor numbers, but cloudberry was the most potent chemopreventive berry. In this study, the same research group investigated the anti-carcinogenic activity and underlying molecular mechanism of cloudberry extract.

Figure 1. Cloudberry was the most potent chemopreventive berry among the studied berry species.

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor the Met tyrosine kinase are frequently activated in human cancers and are targets of intensive cancer drug development. Active migration of tumour cells is a prerequisite for tumour-cell invasion and metastasis. HGF-induced cell motility in human HT29 and HCA7 colon carcinoma cells was assessed. Activation of Met, AKT, and ERK in cell lines and tumors of cloudberry-fed Min mice were determined using immunoprecipitation, Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses.

Cloudberry extract significantly inhibited particularly HGF-induced cancer cell migration in both cell lines. Cloudberry extract inhibited the Met receptor tyrosine phosphorylation and suppressed HGF-induced AKT and ERK activation. Cloudberry feeding reduced the level of active AKT and prevented phosphoMet localization at the edges in tumors of Min mice.

Figure 2. Also raspberry is a good source of ellagitannins.

The results indicate that cloudberry reduces tumor growth and cancer cell motility. It is suggested that the chemopreventive effects of cloudberry are mainly due to ellagitannins. Cloudberries contain also other polyphenols, such as flavonols, organic acids and some free ellagic acids. It is possible that synergistic effects of the phenolic compounds occur and they together may exert a stronger chemopreventive effect than any of the compounds alone. Major ellagitannins in cloudberry are sanguiin H6, sanguiin H10 and lambertinian C. Other good sources of ellagitannins are raspberry, arctic bramble, strawberry, blackberry and pomegranate.

Source: Pajari, A-M., Päivärinta, E., Paavolainen, L., Vaara, E., Koivumäki, T., Garg, R., Heiman-Lindh, A., Mutanen, M., Marjomäki, V. & Ridley, A. (2016): Ellagitannin-rich cloudberry inhibits hepatocyte growth factor-induced cell migration and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT activation in colon carcinoma cells and tumors in Min mice. Oncotarget, vol. 7, no. 28.

Anni Koskela, Arctic Flavours Association

+358 40 164 6177




suolistosyöpä  syöpäsolujen liikkuminen  met-reseptori  ellagitanniinit  Min-hiiri  olorectal cancer  cell migration  Met receptor  ellagitannins  Min mouse 
